A Consultative Discussion Between AFLEX and CIDCA

A consultative discussion between AFLEX and the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) took place at the AFLEX Head office.
The discussion, aimed to strengthen collaboration and explore potential partnerships between the two organizations.
The event commenced with a warm welcome extended to Mr. Zhao_Fengtao, Deputy Chairman of CIDCA, Dr. Yang Yihang, Minister_Counselor at the Chinese_Embassy_in_Ethiopia, and their accompanying officials.
The welcoming ceremony, featuring traditional Ethiopian coffee, served to showcase the rich Ethiopian culture.
Mr. Zadig Abreha President of AFLEX, briefed the guests on the Academy’s activities, highlighting its Africanization project, its aspiration to be an instrument for African unity, and its impactful contributions to both Africa and Ethiopia.
Mr. Zadig emphasized the significance of China’s partnership in Ethiopia’s development and highlighted the role AFLEX plays in bridging the gap between civil society, the public sector, the sector, and the Government.
He further emphasized how the Academy’s physical establishment in Ethiopia is a testament to the strong partnership between the two nations.
Mr. Zadig added that the Academy’s vision to foster a cohesive socio-economic prosperity, drawing parallels with China’s exemplary model of development, particularly its remarkable progress within a short span of years.
The discussion then focused on ways to enhance China’s assistance in human resource development through reform and the importance of experience sharing on governance.
Both parties acknowledged the significant potential for China to act as a key partner in supporting infrastructure cooperation for the re-establishment of AFLEX.
Mr. Zhao Fengtao stated China’s decades-long commitment to providing training and officials also shared their enriching experiences at Peking and Tsinghua Universities.
He further discussed the importance of enhancing communication with institutions to tailor training programs to specific needs.
The experience-sharing on governance was recognized as a significant factor in deepening China-Ethiopia cooperation, emphasizing China’s willingness to share its expertise.
Mr. Zhao expressed his confidence in a brighter future for the Academy and assured AFLEX of CIDCA’s support in terms of hardware and software.
The event concluded with a heartwarming gift exchange. Mr. Zhao presented a traditional Chinese craft to Mr. Zadig Abreha, President of AFLEX. In return, Mr. Zadig presented Mr. Zhao with a traditional Ethiopian painting, symbolizing the bright future of collaboration between China and Ethiopia.

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