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AFLEX and the Addis Ababa City Administration are partnering to promote leadership development.

AFLEX and the Addis Ababa City Administration are uniting to bridge the gap and unlock Ethiopia’s potential through a leadership development program.
The Chief of AFLEX, Mr. Zadig Abreha, discussed with the Mayor of Addis Ababa City Administration, Honorable Adanech Abebe, and members of the city’s cabinet.
Mr. Zadig informed Honorable Mayor Adanech Abebe and cabinet members about the leadership development projects AFLEX plans to implement over the next three years. Mr. Zadig emphasized that AFLEX aims to bridge the gap between the academic sector and the real world.
He mentioned that a program has been designed to connect institutions and leaders that are currently isolated in Ethiopia and Africa, serving as a bridge between them.
Mr. Zadig mentioned that the African Leadership Excellence Academy has established four general leadership development programs and thirty-eight specialized programs, all of which are currently operational.
The AFLEX Chief highlighted the potential for human resources and leadership capacity in Addis Ababa City. The leadership Development Program has been developed in collaboration with the Addis Ababa city administration to utilize this potential. AFLEX has completed the necessary preparations to efficiently utilize these resources.
Honorable Mayor Adanech Abebe expressed interest in AFLEX’s three-year plan and the presentation by the Chief and she highlighted the significant potential of AFLEX’s vision for Addis Ababa, extending beyond the institution itself.
She acknowledged the positive impact of a national leadership capacity-building center. The Honorable Mayor confirmed that they have accepted the academy’s request to collaborate.
Addis Ababa, Africa’s capital, aims to significantly contribute to the academy by requesting detailed information to establish an idea-generation center.
Other cabinet members who participated in the discussion also provided comments. AFLEX’s three-year strategy and leadership development program is seen as aligning with its mission and having the potential to guide the institution toward its desired outcome.