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AFLEX embraces Synopsis and Plan presentation

SULULUTA, NOVEMBER 6, 2023—AFLEX—African Leadership Excellence Academy delivered a presentation on the topic of ‘AFLEX overview and future plan presentation’ to the representatives of the China National Academy of Governance on November 6, 2023, at the academy hall in Sululuta city.
Ato Zadig Abreha, Chief of the African Leadership Excellence Academy, welcomed the delegates of the China National Academy of Governance and familiarized himself, his vice chiefs, and his chief of staff.
He alleged to the representatives, “Welcome to your home away from home!”
Zadig articulated Ethio-China relations and urged that the China-Ethiopia friendship has remained indestructible and has grown stronger over time.
He similarly enlightened AFLEX as a bridge between China and Africa.
The chief additionally introduced the African Leadership Excellence Academy, re-established to train public, private, and civil society leaders.
The Service Coverage: Ethiopia-Horn of Africa, Service Segment: Senior and Emerging Leaders, and Service Scope: Training Research and Policy Advice. He added.
The chief verbalized strategic aspirations, what the academy accomplished in leadership development and research, and workshops.
He correspondingly stated: that leadership development programs, specialized leadership programs, research conferences and workshops,
Ato Zadig uttered, Aspired impact over the next 10 years, how AFLEX comprehended the target.
The Chief also enlightened on the way forward of academic reform and scaling, structural bottlenecks, partnership and collaboration with the People’s Republic of China, and the challenges, and said AFLEX is their legacy! From the period of dilemma to the period of reform
He also spoke about future eco-campus plans. Why invest in AFLEX? closer to the country’s membership in the BRICS than ever.
Finally, he finalized his presentation maxim, Viva to the Sino-Africans, Viva to the Sino-Ethiopians.
On the platform, AFLEX Main Plan and Theoretical Design and a video of the main plan proposal have been presented by Tilon Consulting Architects & Engineers plc.