AFLEX and MoWE Sign Collaboration Agreement: Uniting for a Water and Energy Revolution in Africa.

AFLEX (African Leadership Excellence Academy) and the Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia have signed a collaboration agreement.

The purpose of this Joint Understanding is to enable collaborative efforts between the parties in areas of shared interest and establish a framework for effective achievement of objectives.

The collaboration will focus on research analysis, joint leadership development and training programs, experience sharing, idea generation, and organizing joint events.

The agreement includes the participation of MoWE staff in leadership development programs offered by AFLEX, exploring opportunities for extending leadership development services, organizing joint events, undertaking joint research and institution-building activities, and facilitating exposure visits and leadership development programs.

Overall, the Mutual Cooperation Document serves as a formal agreement that solidifies the commitment of the involved parties to work together, share knowledge and resources, and achieve their shared objectives. It establishes a foundation for long-term collaboration and sets the stage for fruitful cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

The agreement was signed by Mr. Zadig Abreha, representing AFLEX, and Dr. Ing. Habtamu Itefa, representing MoWE.