African Leadership Excellence Academy and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have launched a new 300,000 USD pilot project to train women in leadership development.
The pilot project will train and benefit over 50 women from different federal government organizations and public development enterprises.
Launching the pilot project, Dr. Mehret Debebe, Chief of the African Leadership Excellence Academy, said the aim of the project is to build women’s leadership capacity and solve their leadership skills and gaps.
Dr. Mehret further stated that the pilot project is one pillar of the academy that will provide women with the right skills and build their leadership network and confidence. AFLEX believes that without women’s participation in leadership and decision-making roles, development, and peace are unjust, and they do not prioritize the needs of women and their families.
For the effectiveness of the project, trainees and their organizations are working on the area of leadership and are expected to support the project, Dr. Mehret noted.
Wz. Woineshet Gelaso, a representative of the Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth (MoWCY), affirmed the Ministry’s firm sense of commitment regarding empowering women. The Ministry has been working with a variety of stakeholders to promote women’s parity, empowerment, and career development.
H.E. Ambassador Mulu Solomon shared her rich experience to all participants as a concluding remark.