The Minister of Education, Professor Berhanu Nega, expressed his positive views on the leadership development programs initiated by the African Leadership Excellence Academy, which aims to establish itself as a center of knowledge and excellence.
During the meeting, Mr. Zadig Abreha, the Chief of the Academy, presented the planned works for scaling up and transformation and emphasized the academy’s intention to train leaders and experts in the field through their educational leadership development. program.
He also highlighted the importance of the Ministry’s support in designing and implementing the program. Professor Birhanu Nega echoed the encouraging nature of the academy’s leadership. development programs and stressed the need to collaborate with higher educational and research institutions to enhance the effectiveness of specialized leadership training.
The Minister mentioned the academy’s aspiration to become an idea production and a reflection center, drawing on international experiences, particularly in the expansion plan. of Davos. He believed that this approach would enable the involvement of individuals and organizations with diverse perspectives on the nation-building process.
Prof. Birhanu Nega emphasized the importance of prioritizing leadership development. programs to cultivate the capacity of innovative individuals and advance leadership that values the power of ideas.
The two organizations engaged in an extensive discussion on potential areas of
collaboration and reached an agreement to work together, particularly on education.
leadership development program and leadership development programs for political