The President of the African Leadership Academy, Mr. Zadig Abraha, had a discussion with the Minister of Mines, Mr. Habtamu Tegnge.
The President explained to the Minister of Mines and the Minister of State about the leadership development projects and reform programs that the Academy will implement in the next three years.
As Mr. Zadig mentioned in the discussion, the academy has designed a comprehensive and inclusive leadership development program for expansion and transition operations, including four general and thirty-eight specialized leadership development programs, as well as a detailed strategy of more than 2,500 pages for the implementation of all programs.
Ato Zadig also said that the academy is undertaking extensive activities to connect institutions and leaders that are separated and isolated in Ethiopia and Africa, acting as a bridge.
The President further mentioned that the African Leadership Excellence Academy is working in collaboration with many international and local institutions, including the Ministry of Mines, in the leadership development program and the Excellence in Leadership Award. He also expressed the desire to work together in the construction of an idea generation center and in the fields of research and development.
Minister of Mines Mr. Habtamu expressed his enthusiasm, stating that the academy’s three-year plan and the president’s presentation were motivating, and that the academy’s vision in the field of leadership development, apart from building an institution, has a great role to play in the prosperity of the country and Africa.
The Minister of Mines, E.R. Habtamu, mentioned that the academy has come up with a proposal to sell and set a price, which he happily accepted.
The Minister of State, who participated in the discussion, said that if the frameworks of the three-year strategy and comprehensive leadership development program designed by the academy are implemented as planned, it will enhance the leadership capacity of the country.
A committee has been formed to prepare a document identifying areas where the two institutions can work together, and the discussion has ended.