SULULITA, 23 October, 2023/AFLEX/ African Leadership Excellence Academy holds facilitators experience sharing regional Conference 2023 with the international Association of facilitators at the academy’s hall in Sululuta City.
In the opening program, Mrs. Hiwot Alemayehu program sector vice Chief of the Academy welcomed the participants and articulated them the academy is very delighted to be partnership with international Association of facilitators.
Hiwot said AFLEX is a pan African Institution and facilitated 6000 leaders training packages in the year 2023.
The vice Chief added, she has got training as a facilitator, by British council, wished all the best for the Conference participant facilitators’, told to feel at home and to enjoy the session.
John Cornwell, one of the facilitator, in his part, named Jamaica, India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Southern Africa, Tanzania and Uganda countries representatives to share experience, all countries shared their sound sprits and wished GOD to bless Africa.
In the Program, groups of five formed between the member facilitators, conversed diverse questions and answered them.