Training at AFLEX, March 22, 2023, Addis Ababa: At the academy’s training center in Sululta city, the Ministry of Justice and African Leadership Excellence Academy together offered training on the Topic of taming time.
Dr. Mehret Debebe, the Chief of the African Leadership Excellence Academy, told the trainees during the opening session that they should think of the training center as their second home and that it is like moving from home to home. He also stressed the importance of teamwork for the academy’s development.
Dr. Mehret Debebe provided a thorough explanation of the concept of time. What is the speed of time, how many dimensions there in time, and how does time run mysteriously?
He further defined the binary nature of time in relation to importance, unimportance, urgency, and non-urgency by checking the X and Y axes’ drawings. And a triplet of time describing the present, the calendar, and the lifetime.
In addition to illuminating the cyclicality, linearity, and four dimensions of time, Dr. Mihret clarified the time traps that result from unclear goals, an inability to say “No,” constant interruptions, doing too much at once, indecision, and procrastination. The Chief of Academy also presented the connection between time and truth, time and reality, truth, and truthfulness. Death and the truth.
Following the presentation, there was a discussion on the subject, during which the trainees expressed their opinions and asked questions, which were then addressed.